Sermon Archive (Page 58) Watch Sunday Services on our Youtube channel. Aging Saints – Part 1 August 3, 2014 Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D. Summer Psalms and Proverbs Psalm Worry in the Life of the Christian July 27, 2014 Luke The Gospel and the Outcast July 20, 2014 Luke A Conversation of the Heart July 13, 2014 Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D. Summer Psalms and Proverbs Psalm Why Have You Forsaken Me? July 6, 2014 Matthew Faithful Wounds June 29, 2014 Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D. Summer Psalms and Proverbs Proverbs Worship and Warning June 22, 2014 Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D. Summer Psalms and Proverbs Psalm A Spirit Filled Church June 15, 2014 Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D. John, Romans Poured Out June 8, 2014 Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D. Isaiah The ART of Living as Exiles June 1, 2014 Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D. 1 Peter