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Have Mercy on Me, O God
Psalm 51:1-9, we’ll be taking the next couple of weeks to work through this psalm. It’s one of the most well-known of the Psalms of confession, one that we have sung about in many different ways. Again, very familiar, David’s Song of Confession. As we look to the reading of God’s word, though, if you would join me in prayer. Father of all mercy,…
The Anatomy of Discipleship
As we approach the word, let us go before the Lord in prayer. Let’s pray. Father, we have heard your call to worship, and in worship, we have sung Your praise. In worship, we have confessed our sins. In worship, we have heard of your forgiveness. In that worship, we approach your word, you who opens eyes, you who unstoppable ears. Father, we pray that by the power…
Wisdom as Warfare
This morning we will consider wisdom and spiritual warfare. We’ll be starting with wisdom in Proverbs 8, and we’re moving to several other places in scripture. This is more topical in nature. As we look to the reading of God’s word, if you would join me in prayer. O Lord, we do ask that you would shed your light upon us, that being rid of the darkness of…
Why Won’t He Just Tell Me?
Our text this morning. Psalm 25. Two weeks ago we considered how can I know what God’s will is for me? And today we’re going to consider a couple of the deeper issues or fears that concern us when we discuss finding God’s will in our lives. As we look to the reading of His Word though, if you please join me in prayer. Bless are you holy god in Jesus…
The Saving Name of the LORD
Father, as we come before your word, we ask that we would see you as we look into your word, that you would reveal yourself to us, that we would learn of your nature, learn of your love, learn of your power, understand better your plan in the world around us and in our own life. Father, as we look to your word, may we see ourselves more clearly. May we see our needs, our…
Finding God’s Will for my Life
We are in Proverbs chapter two. Proverbs 2. This morning we consider what it means to find God’s will, god’s direction for our lives, as we look to the reading of God’s Word. If you’d please join me in prayer. Father of all mercies in Your Word, endless glory shine forth. It is Your Word that guides our steps and gives discernment to those who seek…
Heart Talk
Psalm 43, when we are laid low, how do we speak God to our hearts? So you look through the reading of God’s Word. Would you join me in prayer? Father, you know that we are dull of heart, prone to sin, prone to carelessness. So we ask that you would open our eyes to the truth of Your Gospel, that you would unplug our ears, that we would hear Your word. And Father,…
Soul Food
We’re starting with Proverbs 10 this morning as we consider our speech as food for the soul. I’ve referred to at times as a nuts and bolts sermon. It is a refresher of the things we already know. We go to the Word of the Lord, you join me in prayer. Living God, we do ask that you would help us to hear your Holy Word, that we may truly understand and, Lord,…
The Laws for the Land
Numbers, Chapter 35 and 36. We reached the end of our series on the Book of numbers. We’ve been taking, as it were, a 10,000 foot view over the whole book. This morning we are going to cover the issue of murder and inheritance, as well as connecting all the dots of the whole book as it relates to the person work of Jesus. So if you’re visiting, buckle up. To…