Sermons by Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D. (Page 9)

Sermons by Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D. (Page 9)

The Hope of the Nations

Matthew, chapter two. The day is the Sunday of epiphany. Epiphany is simply the Greek word which means to show or to appear. Epiphany is a celebration of the light of Christ coming into the world. And it marks the end of the Christmas season as we look to the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. Blessed are you, O God, the Father of all mercy.…

Living for Christ

Luke, chapter nine. We’ll start this New Year’s Day with a reminder of our single minded devotion to the Lord. A call to live as followers of Jesus Christ. So we look to the reading of God’s Word. If you please join me in prayer. Most gracious God, our Heavenly Father, in you alone will all the fullness of light and wisdom. And we ask them that you would…

Ruth, You Are Included!

Ruth. Chapter one. Last week we began our Advent series looking at Leah and the birth of Judah. This morning we look at Ruth and the birth of Obed, the grandfather of King David. We’re continuing our series looking looking to Advent through the eyes of Old Testament saints, the ladies of faith, as we look to the reading God’s Word. If you would join me in…

Leah, You Are Loved!

Genesis 29 to begin advent, we are going to look at the Old Testament to understand the coming of Christ. And to that end we’ll be looking at the coming of Jesus through the birth narratives of several Old Testament women. Look through the reading of God word. If you would join me in prayer, father of all mercies in your word endless glory shine for your word guides…

Nailed It

One Corinthians 13 we continue looking at the nature of love, so we look to the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. O Lord, we ask that you would shed your light upon us by being rid of the darkness of our hearts, that we may come to the true light, which is Christ, the light of the world, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy…