Sermons from August 2024

Sermons from August 2024

Love Fueled by Grace

Come to the end of Romans 12. We are shaped by grace, we serve by grace, and our love is to be fueled by grace. We look to the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. Heavenly Father, as we meet now in your presence, we ask that you would open our ears to hear your voice, that you would open our hearts to love you more and more, to open our souls to…

Serving by Grace

In God forever. Amen. Beginning in verse three, For by the grace given to me, I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function. So we, though many,…

Shaped by Grace

Romans 12. Eleven chapters of what God has done for us. And now Paul moves to our response, how we are to be shaped by this amazing grace. We look through the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. Christ our God, we ask that you set our hearts on fire with love through your word, that in its flame we may love you with all our hearts, with all our…

A Big God Among Little People

We’re reading God’s word in our time of prayer. Romans 11. After contemplating some weighty thoughts about divine election and the future of Israel, Paul ends with a doxology to God. We look then to the reading of God’s word. If you please join with me in prayer. Blessed are you, O God, the Father of all mercy. You have elected us, you have called us,…