Sermons by Pastor John Sackett (Page 3)
Follow Me
As we prepare to read the word of God, let’s go before him in prayer. Father, the desire that our hearts would be warmed, our affections would be changed such that we would pray even as the Psalmist prays. Remember your word to your servant in which you have made me hope. This is my comfort and my affliction that your promise gives me life. The insolent utterly…
Only a Holy God
Before we do that, let’s go to him in prayer. Father, we come before your throne and before your word, a distracted people. We are distracted by many things, the busyness of the week that has passed and all that we feel we have left undone. We’re distracted by the events of the week to come, things we anticipate and perhaps things we dread. And many of us are…
Breath of Life
We pray for the reading of God’s word. This prayer I’ll pull from Psalm 119. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, teach us the way of your statutes, that we would keep it to the end. Give us understanding that we would keep Your law and observe it with our whole heart. Lead us in the paths of Your commandments and enable us to delight in them. Incline our hearts to…
Merry Christmas
Let’s pray for the reading of God’s Word. Heavenly Father, on this Christmas morning as we come before Your Word, we ask that you might set aside all those, even good things that may distract us from this great thing. Your Word. We ask that you would soften our hearts and open our ears that we might hear hear Your Word for us this morning. We pray this in…