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He Spoke To Them In Parables
As we continue walking through the gospel, marked with that question in mind, we come to Jesus speaking in parables. What are we to make of that? We look to the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. Most gracious God, our heavenly Father, in you alone dwells all the fullness of light and wisdom. We ask them that you would enlighten our minds by…
We’re Family
That your Commandments would make us wiser than our enemies, for they would be ever with us. That we might have more understanding than our teachers. That your testimonies would be our meditations. That you would give us wisdom among the agent, that we would keep your precepts, that you would, by your word, hold us back, hold our feet from every evil way. That we might…
Food and Fasting
Consider fasting in the life of a believer. So you look to the reading of God’s word. What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? We continue looking at discipleship in the gospel of Mark, and today we consider fasting in the life of a believer. So you look to the reading of God’s word, if you please join me in prayer. Blesser to you, Holy God, is in Jesus…
Sinners are Called
Mark Chapter 2. What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? We continue looking at discipleship in the gospel of Mark. We look to the reading of God’s word. Please join me in prayer. Living God, we do ask that you would help us to hear your Holy word that we would truly understand. And Lord, that in understanding we may believe, and in believing we may follow in…
Fishers of Men
Amen. Mark 1, beginning in verse 14. Now, after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel. ‘ Passing alongside the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew, the brother of Simon, casting a net into the sea, for they were…
The Sacrament of Communion: Part 2
I’ve quoted this before, but from rabbi Jacob Milner in his commentary on Leviticus, Words fall from our lips like the dead leaves of autumn, but rituals endure with repetition. They are visual and participatory. They embed themselves in memory at a young age, reinforced with each enactment. When a ritual fails because it either lacks content or is misleading, it…
The Sacrament of Communion- Part 1
The Eucharist, which is simply the Greek word for giving thanks, the breaking of bread, love feast. All these have been names used for this central Christian sacrament. And yet with such lofty names, it seems so strange that within the Christian church, it is so divisive at so many levels. We look to the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. Christ…
Adopted as Children of God
It’s a delight to bring God’s word to you this morning. In preparation of reading his word, let us pray for this. This comes out of Psalm 119, the section titled Lamed. Let us pray. Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens, and your faithfulness endures to all generations. You have established the earth, and it stands fast. Lord, by your…
The Sacrament of Baptism, part II
Quest. I had many more questions about baptism, and I thought it would be wise to address them in another sermon. And generally, don’t say this, but it would be worth your while to listen to the first one. We’re going to cover a new ground this morning, and that one I gave the Old Testament underpinnings the baptism as well as a discussion of infant baptism.…
The Sacrament of Baptism
Fultz kinds of sermon. I recognize one sermon will not cover all of your questions. If you look around, we are a congregation from newborns to 90 with people of all kinds of church backgrounds. Some have thought about these issues in a deep and serious way, and others, this may be brand new. So all I have to say, extend charity, not just to me, to one another in a topic…